Upload_size in app.yml not working

I think there is a continuum from 1 MB all the way to 999 MB.

It is a value judgement of where is the cut off as to what will discourse support. Please make this value judgement and document it in the manual (currently it seems around 75MB). I have spent over 5 hours trying to figure this out since the manual or the forums made it seem as if large file uploads were possible with discourse.

For me uploading 100MB takes less than 5 minutes and more and more people are going to have fast upload speeds.

I dont mind starting from scratch.

In my opinion discourse product should support large file HTTP uploads out of the box without trying to do resumable or anything fancy like that. Obviously its just one user so feel free to disregard it completely :slight_smile:

Obviously a product designer has to say NO to develop a great product :slight_smile:

As you make your decision as to what will discourse support please take my use case as one more data point.

I use discourse as a internal corporate forum and in my work I have had a need to upload files of upto 200MB.

Is there a technical limitation in supporting large file uploads without anything fancy like resumable etc ?

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Yes there certainly is, the internet is a big reason this stuff explodes, streams get interrupted proxies get in the way and so on. If we are to support huge uploads there is no clean built in way to do it with NGINX. We need resumable stream and to upload in chunks.

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I would like to differ on this. I am able to upload 100+ MB files to a php based app running on the same server with 100% success rate.

I am sure there is something happening in the app side of discourse which is terminating the upload around 75MB.

I do not think the issue here is with internet or nginx. :slight_smile:

The app is handed a file handle from NGINX, so somehow NGINX is timing out cause there is some sort of timeout missing that needs to be fiddled with or something else.

What you need to do is enter your container, fiddle with nginx configuration till it works using sv nginx restart each time you fiddle with it.

But, you are creating a very very fragile solution that in the real world ā„¢ will fail, so I donā€™t see why we should invest much more time in this.


I just tried uploading a 150MB file 10 times to a php app behind a nginx proxy and it worked flawlessly every-time. I am using latest chrome and I have a 10 Mbps upload speed in bay area.

So I think we might need to revise our assumption that in real world 100+ MB file upload with http is fragile.

I love discourse the way it is. Its a great product and you as a co-founder have made a lot of good decisions to get it where it is.

I am trying to present a data point in the hope that you revise your current assumption that 100+ MB file upload over HTTP is fragile. :slight_smile:


Faulty experimental logic aside, if code was written to handle sane values only might it be that the MB should be specified as GB instead?

Are you certain the headers are sending the correct block sizes?

Good news!! something has improved in the latest version I was able to upload a 712 MB file.


Maybe look into a different tool for managing and hosting such large data junks, e.g. Nextcloud. Weā€™re using this at work for ourselves and customers.


Sily but im geting error then upoadin 85mb file eror sound like that you reached max upload size ( 100004500kb)
:smiley: and dont cnow what to do :smiley:

There are other topics with similar problems. Last I tried I had trouble with files over about that size. If you want big uploads you should push them to a file sharing site.