Uploaded Emoji are a bit desaturated?

Hi guys. I tried to upload a new emoji but both size and colors seemed to be a bit off. So i tried the following:

  • downloaded an existing emoji (that is bundled into Discourse)
  • tried to re-upload

After that, i opened both images in new tabs (so there is no css involved) and I have this result:

(left image is the uploaded one)


We downsize uploaded emoji to make sure they fit in a 60x60 square.

Maybe one of the Image Magick option is altering the emoji?

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But… Why? Since the default (apple) emoji are 64x64 and emoji one (i think) are 74x74, it wouldn’t make more sense to have them resized to the current emoji scheme base size? :confused:


This might be related to Image Magick messing up black and white images too.

Maybe Image could do with a little less Magicks

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What, like ImageScience? :smirk:

In all seriousness, tho, I’m guessing that the -thumbnail operation is a bad choice. It focuses filesize over everything else, and while this may be fine for actual thumbnails, it’s not desireable for emojis (which are small enough anyways).


Thanks @iamntz for reporting that issue. I updated the code so that we only downsize to 100x100 using the resize option instead of thumbnail. :beetle:



@zogstrip can you verify we don’t have any lingering issues here? Maybe upload emoji to test?

Here’s one:

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Here’s another 2.

They look fine to me.