Uploading via mobile - interface overlapping and unclear cancel actions

  • Whilst uploading via mobile the interface elements overlap.
  • Whilst typing the upload button / link becomes a moving target because of the saving status.
  • it is unclear the difference between “cancel” and “x” when uploading
  • some other message after upload is at 100% would be good. It stays displaying “Uploading 100%” for a very long time compared to uploading through to 100%. WordPress uses “Crunching…”.

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Confirmed on Android chrome mobile.
Also confirmed on Try, so this has nothing to do with new topic virtual DOM.

There is just so little room there, especially on smaller phones, not sure how it all can fit.


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Well “saved” should disappear after a moment and release that room on mobile.

Edit: also we could use a glyph instead of the large wide text “Uploading…”


Obviously it’s undesirable to use the “Create Topic” button whilst uploading (it’s disabled).

I don’t see any issue in hiding the “Create Topic” button whilst uploading.


Perhaps even hide “cancel” as well as “Create Topic” whilst uploading.

Cancelling creation of a post / topic would be a two step process if currently uploading i.e. cancel upload, then cancel post / topic creation.


Yeah I like this, super simple, just hide that panel (Create and cancel) while uploading.