What is the value of your Discourse (Discourse, not WP Discourse) site setting embed unlisted
Thanks! It was checked per above screenshot.
@angus Is there a changelog/timestamp of admin settings?
You can see that in your logs (Admin Panel > Logs > Staff Actions > Change Site Setting), however it was probably checked for some time. There was an update to the behaviour of that setting in core Discourse, to apply it consistently across embed scenarios, which includes WP Discourse topics. Despite the name and description of the setting, it previously only applied to a subset of embed scenarios. See further
6 posts were split to a new topic: WP Discourse is connected to Discourse but won’t publish posts
Can we use this to mass create posts on WORDPRESS that exist already on the DISCOURSE?
From DISCOURSE to Wordpress
where posts on discourse already exist
to then make that same post on wordpress
Anybody can link me to insstructions if it already exist?
I would love this, if OP would be normal article and other posts would stay as comments.
Markdown will be questionmark, even that feeding could be done. Actually it can be done if Discourse itself isn’t limiting. Editor of my choise in iPad, Ulysses, can it (too bad it can’t publish into Discourse)
The plugin is not designed to do that, and won’t be adding it as a feature.