User directory feedback

I’d actually like to request that the functionality be identical to the admin/users pages, where selecting the pic pops up the user card, and selecting the name takes you to the user profile. Right now clicking on either pops up the card.


I assume by this you mean the admin page for the user.

Unlike the admin/users pages, the user directory is accessible to non-admin users, so the name would have to do one thing for admins and a different thing for non-admins.

No i mean the user profile

Am I missing something here? (It wouldn’t be the first time.)

At least for me, in admin/users, clicking on the user’s name opens the admin page for the user, not the profile.

That is probably for you as an admin. Try impersonating a regular user and head over to the directory and click that link. It probably heads to the usual non-admin profile page for the user.

@tobiaseigen said that he wants the user directory to be like admin/users.

He also said what he wants the user directory to do … go to the profile page when you click the name, rather than bringing up the profile card.

I can see his point on what he said specifically said that he wants the user directory to do

My point is that that desired behavior is not what admin/users does, so this …

… is contradictory to this …

Ahh, my mistake, I didn’t read all the way. Apologies. I thought you were personally confused with the differences in admin experience and user experience.

It’s not unusual for me to be confused, and I’m not just talking about Discourse! :grinning:

And quite easy for me and Discourse because we (The Seasteading Institute) will have only been live on Discourse for three weeks come tomorrow morning.

That’s why I wondered if I was missing something.

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Funny how these discussions can get confusing. Sorry for the mixup. I hadn’t even really thought much about the fact that on the admin/users page it links to the user admin page and not the user profile page.

The request I have to @eviltrout is simply to change the link so when you click on the person’s name it goes to the user profile page directly, rather than opening the user card which then takes an extra click to get to the user profile page. This is more similar to the UX I have gotten used to on admin/users.If you don’t want to do this then I can live with the extra click.

Somewhat related and low priority: I sometimes find the user card confusing, don’t know what to do when it opens. Clicking away from it closes it, and clicking on the avatar/name clicks through to the user profile. I’d prefer it if there were at least an X or some obvious indication how to close it, and for the pic and name to respond on mouseover so it’s obvious that’s a link.

Middle Click it? And on mobile, press and hold?

I’m fine with that. Since I’m usually looking at multiple users from any user list and so I don’t want to leave the list, I always right click and open in a new tab. That avoids the user card entirely.

I don’t have a middle click on my mac laptop… I would fully expect command-click to bring me to their page, even if normal clicking would summon the user card… For all I know though, command-click and middle-click are the same on the web.

So are you saying it doesn’t? As I’m fairly certain it should… (CTRL + Click works for me)

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It doesn’t on Meta now, no, command-clicking either the username or icon both conjure up the user card.

EDIT - sometimes clicking the username does? but more often than not, I just get the card.

PS the full name, when present, itself isn’t clickable at all. fwiw

We should make it so that middle-click and ctrl+click work here @eviltrout – this applies to a lot of places, I think. As I recall it needs to present as a regular hyperlink so the browser knows how to handle it.

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This is still happening. I updated most recently yesterday. K and R are still showing up on all directory pages even though they are not active. Any ideas?

I’ve made it so any link that pops up the user card also respects ctrl or cmd clicks.

I changed the logic due to feedback to include users who aren’t active in the results.


@eviltrout Something is off here, don’t you think?

I am puzzled. On two forums I am seeing names of several people on the user directory list followed by only zeros - so purportedly no activity at all. In the Kabissa screenshot these two guys are still showing up - even though they haven’t logged in for more than two months.

Today they are the only people showing up even though I know that I have been on the forum already at least.

Any idea why this is still happening? It concerns me because I want members to be able to use this listing to determine the health of the community.


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So it’s possible to change the no index and allow /users to be indexed right (I’ll be hosting via Digital Ocean)? Also what are the cons of this (if any)?