I am trying out Discourse in anticipation of setting it up for a customer forum at work and we use Crowd for customer SSO. I would also like to be able to invite indivuduals who may not be in the Crowd dataset, alumni, partners etc. but I don’t want to allow general sign-up otherwise.
I can’t seem to find the right combination of options to do what I want;
a. If a user is in Crowd let them create a local account without an explicit invite
b. If the user is invited via an email or a link let them create a local account without Crowd
c. Not allow public sign-ups
If I turn on “invite only” then Crowd auth only allows existing users access, not act as a verification, if I turn it off then anyone can sign up (staff review not withstanding).
Am I missing something or is this just the way it works?
Thanks for any pointers!