User Permissions

Hi, I want to give a user the permissions to view his posts only. The posts that were made by him. Is this possible?

This is not really a use case for which Discourse is primarily designed. It’s about sharing. So expect some pain in getting that to work.

One option:

Set up a Category for each user and put the user into their own Group. Permission the Category for that Group.

I made a page using custom wizard plug-in for users to apply. So I wanted to give them the permissions to view their applications.

For applications have you considered them being created as private messages to a group? The reviewers would see all of them but the sender/poster would see only their own.

Then once the applicant is added to the necessary groups they could see the rest of the site’s content.


No, I made it so it creates a topic.

I recommend that you put those questions into user custom fields.

So, I should choose “Add to group”?

That’s not a bad idea! You can send a message with the wizard.

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