User Portfolio

Thanks for the feedback everyone !I’ve just made some updates to address some issues and add some features:

More than 1 category isn’t easily possible at the moment (though we’re working on some features for this in Discourse in general so maybe someday) — but I did notice that it was only working for 1 tag (despite the setting input allowing multiple)… so this update allows multiple tags to be used to populate the portfolio.

I’ve added a setting for this called portfolio_order so now you can choose created as an option as well.

I’ve added a setting called portfolio_route_name that will allow for this. Note that unless you know what you’re doing with URL encoding, it’s best to stick with a single word for this and avoid spaces and special characters.

I looked into implementing this, but there’s not a great way to do it. To know if it’s empty we’d have to fetch topics whenever someone’s usercard is opened, which is a little bit of a heavy request for a usercard (a plugin could do this in a much more efficient way by adding a field to the user data server-side with a simple count of portfolio topics)

this has been fixed