User Portfolio

Thanks guys, how difficult would it be to base the thumbnail on both the first and last image in the thread? I’m guessing a composite adds a lot of complexity?

I’m not sure how that’s supposed to work…?
A topic can only have a single associated image where the topic thumbnail is based on.


I’m assuming it would need to be run through a compositing step, The goal would be to show a before and after, (sometimes) appropriate for a journal which are inherently time oriented

We opted for the latest image posted by the journal author to keep things K.I.S.S.
For us, it made the most sense to display the photo most recent journal entry which represents the latest status of the user’s project.


That makes sense, is there precedent for compositing thumbnails in any other extensions that you know of?

What’s an “extension”? I don’t really understand your question. I am not a developer, so can’t really dig too much into any code related matters.