Username Availability Check Stuck During Registration

When attempting to register on the website, the username availability check gets stuck. The message “Checking username availability…” appears and persists for an extended period, preventing normal registration from proceeding.

I have found the reason of problem,because of the cloudflare waf rule ,
the original rule

(cf.threat_score ge 5 and not or (not http.request.version in {"HTTP/1.2" "HTTP/2" "HTTP/3" "SPDY/3.1"}) or (not http.user_agent contains "Mozilla/")

here is the optimization rule by claude ai,this solve the problem

(cf.threat_score ge 10 and not or 
(http.request.version eq "HTTP/1.0") or 
(not http.user_agent contains "Mozilla/" and not
Explanation of Changes

Cloudflare Firewall Rule Analysis and Optimization

Current Rule:


(cf.threat_score ge 5 and not or 
(not http.request.version in {"HTTP/1.2" "HTTP/2" "HTTP/3" "SPDY/3.1"}) or 
(not http.user_agent contains "Mozilla/")


  1. cf.threat_score ge 5 and not This part is reasonable, blocking high-threat clients that aren’t bots.
  2. not http.request.version in {"HTTP/1.2" "HTTP/2" "HTTP/3" "SPDY/3.1"}: This might be too restrictive, potentially blocking legitimate older clients.
  3. not http.user_agent contains "Mozilla/": This could block legitimate requests from non-browser clients or API calls.

Optimized Rule:


(cf.threat_score ge 10 and not or 
(http.request.version eq "HTTP/1.0") or 
(not http.user_agent contains "Mozilla/" and not

Explanation of Changes:

  1. Increased threat score threshold to 10 to allow more legitimate traffic.
  2. Only block HTTP/1.0, allowing newer versions and SPDY.
  3. Modified user agent check to only apply to non-bot traffic, allowing API calls and legitimate non-browser clients.

Additional Considerations:

  • Add exceptions for specific paths or endpoints used for username checks:


and not (http.request.uri.path contains "/check_username")
  • Whitelist known good IP ranges or countries where most of your users are located.
  • Consider implementing rate limiting instead of outright blocking for some conditions.


Replace your current rule with the optimized version and monitor its effects. Adjust as needed based on your traffic patterns and security requirements.

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