Users without reply permission are wrongly given option to reply by email in notification


I have email in enabled on my forum. Users get notifications saying to reply to that mail to reply. If they do so, they get an error message that they do not have permission to reply to that topic. Which is very correct given my security settings.

Users, who do not have rights to reply should not get an mail that offers to reply via email.

Is that already a known bug? Is there a workaround / quick fix?

Best Thanks!

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Is this just on one specific category?

Can you share a screen shot of those settings with us please @Horus ?

I have only one category with security settings like that.

Can you share a screen shot of those settings with us please @Horus ?

Sure. It’s German, but I think you’ll get the idea:

(problems uploading the screenshot from my current location, will add it today’s evening).

The settings are

  • Vorstand (group): View, Reply, Create
  • Everybody: View, --, –

The user who gets the mail with the option to reply is not in the Vorstand group.

EDIT: Screenshot

Best Thanks!