Using a <br/> HTML element on a preceding line prevents emoji expansion

As the title says…Using a <br/> HTML element on a preceding line within a post prevents emoji expansion

This doesn’t work (but should)…

Hello :)

Hello :)

…but this does work


Hello :)

Hello :slight_smile:

Interestingly the html <br> works rather than the xhtml <br />

Hello :)

Hello :)

Edit: Nope. I see what I did wrong there. I used one from my phone gallery for the test rather than a :) one.

I have noticed that you can’t mix language types together next to each other (so having a <br> right next to a [poll] will ruin the poll). Perhaps it’s similar to that?

[poll name=poll2 type=regular results=always chartType=bar]
* Yes
* No

[poll name=poll2 type=regular results=always chartType=bar] * Yes * No [/poll]

Mix and match sadly has some edge cases due to the engine and markdown spec, not sure if this is repairable without massive refactoring to both the markdown spec and engine.