<br> needs extra empty line

This doesn’t work

<kbd>[wrap=icon id=fa-share][/wrap]&nbsp;Reply</kbd>

[wrap=icon id=fa-share][/wrap] Reply

But this works:


<kbd>[wrap=icon id=fa-share][/wrap]&nbsp;Reply</kbd>


This can be a UX/UI-question too, but because it worked earlier, I count it as a bug.

Not a biggie, though. But it can affect every situation when a HTML-tag is used. In my forum it broke almost every helps where an example-button is used or I’ve needed extra space after an image.


I also had that problem yesterday at User Card Directory: message button should not show on mobile - #5 by Moin. I wasn’t able to figure out why the link did not work:

So, in the end, I removed the <br>. And now I was able to add it again because you told me that all I needed to fix it was an empty line. Thanks.

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This is not really a bug, it is just commonmark spec which makes mixing html and markdown somewhat quirky.

When you do <br> it thinks it is a multi line html element, so certain rules do not kick in.

this works:

<kbd>[wrap=icon id=fa-share][/wrap]&nbsp;Reply</kbd>


Before kicked in, so those certain rules are only few days old :man_shrugging:

No can do then and I have to start fix posts manually.

I still claim there is something more, because that quirky thing stops totally <br>.

<kbd>[wrap=icon id=fa-share][/wrap]&nbsp;Vastaa</kbd>

<br />
<kbd>[wrap=icon id=fa-share][/wrap]&nbsp;Vastaa</kbd>

<kbd>[wrap=icon id=fa-share][/wrap]&nbsp;Vastaa</kbd>

[wrap=icon id=fa-share][/wrap] Vastaa
[wrap=icon id=fa-share][/wrap] Vastaa
