Using Discourse as a social media platform

I wonder this too…

Not that I’m aware of. You can just make everything Uncategorized, and then e.g. hide the Category view and just leave the Latest, Top, etc. views. Then use CSS to hide the category indicators I guess… Workable, albeit imperfect.

Interesting idea, yes. But to me this actually gets away from some of what seems more interesting about “social media”, the intermixing of content from multiple sources. You can already subscribe to someone’s activity feed from Discourse via RSS, so if you’re really interested in just what one or a few people say, that’d probably be the way to do it. There is also the Follow plugin:

It’s good to know you don’t want those boundaries eroded. But can you explain specifically why? Hopefully not just in terms of simple preference, “I like the way it is”, but specifically why, or at least how the existing setup makes you feel in interacting with it vs. the alternative.

Yes, that makes some sense…

Mmm, yes, interesting! Meta-Meta Discourse. :wink:


I really want a #plugin like that if it’s possible! What a great suggestion from @Decorbuz! :clap:

As an addition to that suggestion, what if you wanted users to be able to create their own categories (to essentially function as either “Circles” or “Collections” or “Communities” if that makes any sense)?

Some people don’t like Twitter recommending random posts or other garbage you might not care about in the slightest. The intermixing of a somewhat specific (large) interest from multiple sources seems more ideal to me (and that’s another thing that Google+ did well in my opinion).

As a side note, I want to see this…

…be turned into (something) like this! :wink:


I agree, but that’s an outdated screenshot.

Have you considered how something like this could possibly be implemented into Discourse?

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You’re showing a different view than they are though. This is more of a “Category” view, and there is category thumbnails that would work to create something similar. They’re showing a person activity view, for which a solution to spruce it up doesn’t yet exist as far as I know. But I too would like to see one, even just for Discourse in its forum context…

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Actually, that’s sort of similar to what I was looking for (not exactly though).

Also, here’s an up-to-date video of the Google+ profile page.

One thing I liked about the old version of Google+ was that it allowed you to display a lot of information about yourself on your profile (education, work, occupation, skills, etc). Is there a plugin out there that allows you to display that kind of information?


Through a plug-in like @anon73664359 seems to be suggesting?


I think you could do similar with custom profile fields though, right?


Actually, you’re right. I had no clue about that. Thanks for sharing!

Does it support icons?


I found a better example of what you were looking for. Could it be organized into blocks like Google+ did?


Using CSS? Possibly, but I’m not sure.

Discourse already has profile view counts and post titles, so that’s a start! :smile:


Wouldn’t a basic theme or theme component suffice?


It could be requested in the #marketplace category, yes. A basic #theme that attempts to replicate Google+ would certainly be better than nothing!


Unfortunately no, not as far as I can tell:


But perhaps a plugin could extend it to do so. I think that would be a nice addition! Custom image fields…


A #plugin for a #plugin? :laughing:


I wish I had the money to request such a thing (or the programming skills required for such a matter)!


Hah, yes, exactly.

There’s a previous request here, but no traction:

Of course we do already have Profile Header and User Card Background images… I’m curious what specific other images you had in mind for this feature.


What would it take to change the heart icon into a +1 icon? As far as I’m concerned, there’s no +1 icon in the latest release of Font Awesome.

Here is a simple edit using inspect element.


Font Awesome’s has a request for it by… well… me! :smile:

Upvote it if you want to see it happen! I provided an admittedly overdramatic explanation as to why I think the meaning of +1 is better than “like” or even “heart” for that matter (sorry, Jeff! :wink:).

If a user were to interact with this icon, it could be used to convey a generally positive emotion instead of a single emotion that a thumbs up (like) button and a heart (love) button are ultimately limited to. “+1” can mean many different things, which is why I think it has an advantage over the traditional like/love buttons and should be implemented as an icon into Font Awesome. It is so simple, yet so powerful at the same time.

Actually, could it be done through a theme component? :thinking:


I believe you can use SVG icons too, right? I don’t believe its restricted to Font Awesome.

One thing that has seemingly gone unmentioned (no pun intended) is how Google+ used the + symbol instead of the @ symbol for mentions. I think it was more of a branding thing (at first, Google+ used the more traditional @ symbol instead of the + symbol for mentions), so I guess the > symbol would be more suitable for a technology-oriented crowd.


Oh, here’s another benefit to anything that isn’t Facebook! :laughing: