I set up the PCG (now IPSE) back in 1999 with 2000 other Freelancers. It was the first example of Crowd Funding in the UK and we organised the very first Smart Mob when 700 Freelancers turned up at House of Commons to Green Card their MP over a tax measure known as IR35.
I set up a mailing list at the outset, but it soon became impossible to manage. I moved to threaded discussion forum. using Threads. It was our online home and I was just blown away by how powerful an organisation could be if you share information transparently.
18 years on and with some other business experience under my belt I thought it time to disrupt the Recruitment agency market.
Together with a great team we have set up a business called The Project Pool. We started out on Atlassian Confluence. Then moved to Slack. None of them were as good as Threads 18 years ago!!
So last night I set up our new Online Office.
I have to say I am blown away
What a cracking bit of kit. No feature bloat, but really slick, stripped back, intuitive…and we have now found our Home.
Just wanted to reach out to say thank you to every one of the team that put this superb product together. You are most welcome to come on over and join us. Please be gentle as the site is only 24 hours old and not officially live, but I am working on the basis that we are going to go live so quickly I do not need to fsck about hiding it! I will now go and set up a Discourse group that you are most welcome to join after you have signed up
Again Happy Birthday,…belatedly.