Using external scoring within discourse leaderboard

Hi Team

Struggling to find any info on this, i am trying to establish if discourse could pull scoring in from an external tool, such as Orbit. We want to be able to combine discourse scoring with Orbit’s scoring that tracks our users activity on slack, git, twitter etc… is this possible? So essentially, we want to be able to display our users overall activities in discourse to provide a complete picture and base gamification model on this.




Anything is possible, tbh.

If Orbit has an API, you can create a plugin to set up jobs to pull the data in on regular basis, or setup webhooks to post data elsewhere and aggregate elsewhere, then send back aggregated views to present within the Discourse UI.

Your limitations will be mainly your budget and ambition.


Indeed just recently saw a plugin that I believe dies something like tjis fir “listenbrainz”?