Using OpenID Connect with User Flows in Azure B2C

Discourse OpenID Connect

Does above steps works with User flows in Azure B2C, which are pre-built policy for use cases.

Email address doesn’t get populated in the new user dialog when the authorization is returned. Using a standard user flow to manage the sign-up experience, but the claim is returning something labeled as “emails” and it’s a stringcollection, not a single email.

Setting up openid_connect_authorize_scope to openid emails also doesn’t work.

This plugin is built to work with standards-compliant OIDC services. That means the email should be returned in an “email” field.

If you check the “Azure B2C” section in the first post of this topic, there are some community-provided instructions for setting up a “custom policy” which puts the email address in a standards-compliant location. I’m afraid I’m not familiar enough with Azure B2C to know whether that will work with the “user flows” feature.

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Thank you @david, it works with custom policy, was hoping to go with much easier route of User flows, but that is out of our control to change.

Few of the suggestions for plugin:

  • Both Sign and Signup button redirect user to login page, in Azure B2C different page can be shown by appending parameter
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it should be openid email