Using - to start a list changes chapter to heading (no real issue)

Why is this happening:

At same time I continue writing Discourse creates a list and everything is just fine, so this isn’t any issue in any means. It only wakes a bit.

But I’m just curious what is happening, because I don’t understand why character - is creating that effect.

In Markdown putting a hyphen under a text is an alternative approach to make the text a 2nd level heading. 1st level you get using =.

First level heading
This is a paragraph.

Second level Heading
This is a paragraph.

results to this:

First level heading

This is a paragraph.

Second level heading

This is a paragraph.


@tvavrda You beat me to it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks. I didn’t know that. Actually, I knew, but only by reading, because I always use ##… — so I’ve forgotten it.

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