Versatile Banner

Ok @Tara_Walton dark mode support has been added with the following!

Please go ahead and try updating the component and let me know what you think.

:warning: In testing this, I did find that there might be a weird quirk when changing the theme settings. I’m not immediately sure if it’s the browser or discourse cache causing the issue, but if you find a setting isn’t taking when you first change it, add a space to the end of the setting, save it, then remove the space and save again. Also note that the page must be hard refreshed to see the changes.

If anyone gets an error when updating, adding/removing the component from your main theme should clear things up. There are apparently a couple little theme quirks to investigate a some point.

I think I can see what’s going on here @IT_Director.

You have added a CSS rule somewhere in your theme:

[class*="category-"] .banner-themes {
  display: none;

When I click on one of the featured topics then navigate back to the home page, it looks like the category- class that was added when visiting the topic is not removed from the body element. This might be a little bug somewhere in the routing that happens with the Homepage Feature component.

Can you try removing that CSS rule and instead leverage the url must contain theme setting? I think if you remove the /c/* and /t/* entries, that should have a similar effect and will hopefully handle things a little better than pure CSS.