Video chat / conferencing add-ons?

Are there any WebRTC-based video chat / conferencing plugin’s currently available for Discourse?

Which cross-platform tools, except for SaaS providers, are you currently using?



We find Whereby handy for this - not integrated, but it only requires a link to jump straight in.
You can control when with the events plugin, and who with the usual Discourse group stuff.

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Hello @nathank

Unfortunately it’s not what I’m looking for… SaaS and stupid quotas with stupid pricing tiers. I hate these business models, especially in times of global pandemic crisis. SaaS doesn’t scale.

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Ah - you are looking for something a lot ‘bigger’. I look forward to anything else that turns up because that is a key need for us too. Whereby is great for small scale stuff.

I’m not looking for “something a lot ‘bigger”

On the contrary. I am looking for self-hosted software solutions or at least peer-to-peer approaches. In the past (10 years ago) this was not an issue. Nowadays there are almost exclusively SaaS offerings. Data centers are currently going down on their knees again and again because capitalist companies are saving on computing reserves. - And in Germany/Europe we have the DSGVO (for good reason).

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I would try - @downey might have good advice for you.

Personally I think it would be slick to have a way to display a video call in the same screen alongside a discourse topic, so you can use the topic to chat about what is happening on the call.


There was a similar topic with some activity last week at Video call integration/plugin?, I posted a very early version of a Jitsi theme component, feel free to try it out.


Thanks a lot! This is (nearly) exceptional. :slight_smile:

@terraboss What works well and what does not in the plugin?

Hey all, I wonder if anyone’s made any advances on this in the past year and a half? We’re really keen to put a group video chat side by side with a forum thread for a group, so that we can use Discourse as the persistent ‘comments section’ for regular group calls (think like a book club or support group).

The video chat will not appear in discourse, but is supported. You can use this integration