Webmaster tool shows traffic drop - why?

hi guys,

I noticed a drop on webmaster tool, did i do something wrong ? it there some explanation possible ?

thanks for your help

There are lots of possibilities, have you looked at actual search trends to determine which subjects and topics were receiving traffic?

Have you taken a look lately to see whether those trends have changed?

It looks as though things began to decline after 3/8/20. Obviously the current pandemic has really changed how a lot of us spend our time, are people still going to be searching for the kinds of things your community covers?


You are right the website is mostly based on things to do in London, work and accommodation, dam Coronavirus.

I hope you guys are fine with this.

Just looking at search trends for your top search keyword ‘monzo’, the interest today is almost half of what it was four weeks ago.

That’s very likely to be a contributing factor.


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