Weird bugs/issues with webhooks

There are a lot of webhooks that do not seem to be up-to-date with the database objects that they intend to serve up. While quite a few examples, here is the latest.

When updating the following field:

The group_updated_event event is triggered, but this information is nowhere to be found. To add to this, there is a field called “automatic” in the webhook response object that is set to true/false, but it doesn’t seem to be related to this field.

Is there any documentation that clearly defines what the response objects are mapped to when the webhook is triggered?


Not what you’re looking for, but:

The “Automatic” field is the group’s automatic_membership_email_domains property. As you can see, it’s not in the attributes list.

The “Automatic” field that you’re seeing in the payload indicates whether or not the group is an “automatic” group. Essentially, the built in trust level and staff groups are automatic. Custom groups that you create are not automatic.

It seems like it would be easy to add the automatic_membership_email_domains field to the group webhook serializer. Also, this information should be available without having to look at the source code.

Yes! Thanks for finding this for me, at least I know that it’s not there. Quite odd that it triggers the event, only for…the event to not have the data it was triggered by.