What process creates the stylesheet assets during build, e.g. /stylesheets/color_definitions_dark_1_1_603243e2b6c0b7xydx234the00538538bd705.css
I’m assuming this is the process of bundling?
What might be going wrong if these are missing?
Should these start to exist as part of starting ember-cli or the rails server?
What approach should I take to build these in docker from the standard discourse image or should I expect them to exist by simply launching the servers?
Stylesheets are built by the rails app on-demand, so in theory you don’t need to do anything manually.
Running bin/rake assets:precompile will compile them eagerly, which can be useful if you want to create an optimised docker image for rolling out to multiple hosts.
Compiled-on-demand assets (e.g. stylesheets, theme-javascripts, svg-sprites) are not uploaded to S3. They are fetched directly from the application (or via the CDN_URL, if configured).
Static things like core/plugin JS and locales are generated by assets:precompile, and are guaranteed never to change at runtime.
I see; that helps explain why some stuff is served by the application. If there are multiple containers running (say, behind a load balancer), each of them will generate those on demand.
Yep, exactly. These things also tend to be cached in postgres/redis so they only need to be generated by the first app container to receive a request. The other containers can then cheaply fetch the compiled version from redis/postgres and write it to the filesystem.
And if there is a CDN, then they might not even need to, I guess.
I’m working with someone who seems to have an issue with some assets not loading (some icons are showing up really big) and I’m looking for some explanation.