What is "fast access to favorite reactions"?

Continuing the discussion from 2.8.0.beta11: User will not be Mentioned Warning, Updated Emoji, and more:

What is:

  • Fast access to favorite reactions

A search only brings me the announcement — and I’m not noticing anything different.

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That is under the “Chat” header, as it’s a feature of Introducing Discourse Chat (PRE-ALPHA)


Now you can hover over a message and it will show your last reactions for a 1-click fast reaction.


Ahhh. Makes sense, thanks. The list of improvements to chat got so long the header scrolls off the page so it’s easy to miss. :slight_smile:

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I’m using Hub and jumping between different forums without loosing topics is AFAIK impossible so I’ll ask before testing… sorry.

Favorite reactions needs exacly hoovering? So, it doesn’t work on mobiles?

It works just fine when using mobiles.

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You can click a message to access the same feature on mobile.


Using iPad (that is not a real mobile) reactions show just fine even without clicking.


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