What is the best way to check the integrity of the database?

I want to merge the users, topics and posts from one forum into another and while the forum restores onto a dev environment without issue, I am getting PG::ForeignKeyViolation errors when trying to merge it (currently into a fresh install)… so wondered whether there is a Discourse tool that can check the integrity of a database? If not, any other tips or ideas?

(There’s also been a few topics about database issues so wondering if this is something the DC team think is worth having if such a tool is not currently available?)

I’ve manually done a diff on schemas from a Discourse forum that was started over 5 years ago and a fresh install, you can see the differences here:


Mostly changes of bigint to integer and character varying(255) to character varying and a few not nulls missing, but there are some indexes missing too.

Here are the lines that point them out:

Line 1646 - missing:

  Index "public.index_badges_on_badge_type_id"
 Column |          Type          | Key? | Definition 		    Column     |  Type   | Key? |  Definition   
--------+------------------------+------+------------		---------------+---------+------+---------------
 name   | character varying(255) | yes  | name		 badge_type_id | integer | yes  | badge_type_id
btree, for table "public.badges"

3301 - missing:

	Index "public.index_user_badges_on_user_id"
 Column  |  Type   | Key? | Definition 
 user_id | integer | yes  | user_id
btree, for table "public.user_badges"

4639 - missing:

	      Index "public.schema_migrations_pkey"
 Column  |       Type        | Key? | Definition 
 version | character varying | yes  | version
primary key, btree, for table "public.schema_migrations"

5487 - partly missing:

                                       Table "public.topic_search_data"
   Column    |          Type          | Collation | Nullable | Default 		   Column    |       Type        | Collation | Nullable |                       Default                       
-------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+---------		-------------+-------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------
 topic_id    | integer                |           | not null | 		 topic_id    | integer           |           | not null | nextval('topic_search_data_topic_id_seq'::regclass)
 raw_data    | text                   |           |          | 		 raw_data    | text              |           |          | 
 locale      | character varying(255) |           | not null | 		 locale      | character varying |           | not null | 
 search_data | tsvector               |           |          | 		 search_data | tsvector          |           |          | 
 version     | integer                |           |          | 0		 version     | integer           |           |          | 0

5506 - missing:

           Sequence "public.topic_search_data_topic_id_seq"
  Type   | Start | Minimum |  Maximum   | Increment | Cycles? | Cache 
 integer |     1 |       1 | 2147483647 |         1 | no      |     1
Owned by: public.topic_search_data.topic_id

6044 - missing:

    "index_user_badges_on_user_id" btree (user_id)

Should I be concerned about anything here? Should I add the indexes manually? Any other thoughts or anything else stand out to anyone (it’s nearly 5am here and I’m struggling to keep my eyes open :see_no_evil:)