What is the "topic_id" when sending bulk invites?

I’d like to send some bulk invites and was happy to see that I can auto-subscribe them to a topic but I’m not sure how to determine what the topic_id value is for the specific topic.

Hi there Brian this is the topic_id for this topic. It is located in the URL

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Maybe I am misunderstanding the topic invite. I have the following url:

Screen Shot 2021-06-16 at 1.50.17 PM

so the topic_id should be 6

My bulk invite CSV file:

Screen Shot 2021-06-16 at 1.51.27 PM

Then when I accept the invitation I get this page:

I thought this would auto subscribe them to the topic but the Notification setting for that topic is Normal. I’d like to have invited users for this topic to be set to Watching automatically.

Bump on this topic. Does anyone know how to auto subscribe invited users to a specific topic_id?

Do you know what the topic category was set to?

Noting here before I close this that the issue was that the URL was to a category, so a category_id was being used instead of a topic_id.