What is wrong with my Ghost + Discourse integration?

I followed the integration guide on this page, but it does not seem to work.

Here is what my screen look like.

For the line that says REPLACE ME, I changed it to mydiscourse.mydomain.com (The Real names were used)
Ghost comments section, just spins, does not connect.
So what have I done wrong?

It’s going to be hard to tell if you cannot share your domain.

What is happening? Do you see the embed link?

Sorry, here is the Ghost Domain:

The discourse is at

What’s happening is that, the Comments just keeps spinning, as if attempting to connect. No errors thrown not failure… just spins

No, I don’t see the link.
Open this,

read any article. At end, you should be able add comment. It just spins.
Setup is like this:
Discourse is hosted by DO and works just fine.
Ghost Domain is hosted by a different web host. resulting in this:
DNS, email and all that works just fine


For anyone else having this issue, the problem was that our VPS was not properly setup.
It was setup to use HTTP. Discourse was expecting HTTPS. When http was sent by Ghost, it was rejected by Discourse. Someone at Ghost blog caught the misconfiguration.
Check your Ghost VPS environment configuration for TYPOS.
In our own case, it was in the production.configuration file.

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