Discourse + Ghost Blog Integration. Is my Understanding Wrong?

So I have a Ghost Blog that has articles. I have integrated Discourse into the Comments, so whenever user comments it shows ok, ON the Ghost Blog.

My Understanding:
(1) Integrating the Blog with Discourse will allow the comments to APPEAR IN DISCOURSE.
(2) Discourse Would automatically create the Topic and Comment ON DISCOURSE .

Is my understanding wrong? I am NOT seeing posted comments on DISCOURSE. They are still appearing ON GHOST blog.

My Discourse embed looks like this:

|Allowed Hosts| mydomain.com
|Path Allowlist| mydomain.com (We want the comments on every article)
|Post to Category| uncategorized
|Topic Tags| left it blank
|Post Author | used an admin account

Is my understanding wrong?


This topic may help

The above may have more up to date info.

This topic on Meta may help as well


Was done all that, but my problem is that, Comments are still displaying on the Ghost blog itself NOT on Discourse. Maybe, I don’t understand what the Integration is supposed to achieve.