What would you like to see on your Discourse 2.0 Admin Dashboard?

Here is my quick brain dump:

  • There’s already a start of some discussion in Notify moderators when a user reaches TL3, but I’d like to see easier ways of tracking user progress through the trust levels, particularly as users approach TL3.

  • At my current job, the ability to see year-over-year data is huge. We’ve got a bunch of data explorer queries that pull this data, but having it right there on the dashboard is, at least for me, way better than just seeing “last year”. As our site is internal, new users YOY is not important, but topics, posts, likes, solutions, etc. is.

  • Continuing on the thread above, better stats for internal/login required/SSO sites would be nice. For example, top traffic sources is essentially meaningless for SSO. All our traffic comes from another internal site where they log in to get to the forums.

  • Better data exports. Admin Panel Usage Export Missing Dates - this old topic of mine is still very relevant, it really hinders my ability to quickly pull data and make reports.

  • Customizable date ranges. On a similar vein as the YOY metrics, the ability to set a custom date range for data would be nice. Right now, I can see today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, and all. If I want a custom range (say February 2016) I can get a graph or table, but no quick summary/total. I have to export it, but I sometimes run into the issue above.