When S3 is canceled, image links or file links should automatically show the local path

Why are the image links replaced with the original S3 link when I cancel the S3? That is, cdn.domain.com cdn url only turns into image links such as qsdqdqsdqsd.qsdsqdqsdqs.cloudflare.com. It would be good if we could solve this once and for all. After S3 is canceled, we should be able to convert topic links and image urls to local urls. I tried everything on the forum and it didn’t work and I had to use cdn again. So if anyone has a different technique, I’d be happy to listen.

I downloaded the images and uploaded them manually to locale. I just couldn’t fix the links on the site and I saw that the browser was still trying to upload to S3 even though I deleted the cache.

You’ll need to update the path in the uploads model to point to the local url and rebake the posts.

I don’t want to tire you out, but can you write here how to do this? Because when I couldn’t do it, I tried everything I found and made the site worse. :pray: :pray:

Ahh, I think this is what you’re talking about. I will try this, thanks: