When you upload a file in chat while S3 is active, the image does not appear, the image link appears broken (R2)



I know s3 settings still not working properly for clopudflare R2. I wanted to report this so that it can be corrected if any work is done in the R2 area in the future.

The image appears when you first upload and send the image. If this setting is on (“s3 use cdn url for all uploads”)
The image link appears normally: cdn.sitedomain.com/

However, when you refresh the page, the image link is broken. (“s3 use cdn url for all uploads” this setting is still on)
the image link changes like this: https://cloudflarer2.545hhaaefaeeert98918877.eu.r2.cloudflarestorage.com/optimized/2X/2/286dbc6adb5f1e495dfa6e40c5638f85ca0bf60d_2_666x500.jpeg

Note: When “s3 use cdn url for all uploads” is turned off, the image link becomes corrupted while uploading and after uploading the image, as above. (appears for a moment but then fades out)

I have temporarily disabled image uploading in the chat area.