Where's Jump to end?

Hi, I can’t find where to enable this in a topic:

Did a search in the plugins list and nothing.

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It’s part of the TOC theme component.

It’s helpful when the timeline is hidden because the TOC is shown.


Meanwhile if you are in a topic and want to jump to the bottom and most recent reply, select the bottom of the topic slider on the right side.


If you want explicit jump buttons:


This button label confused me while reading a topic with ToC.

I clicked “Jump to end” and didn’t understand the behavior.

I assumed it meant “Jump to end of the topic” rather than “Jump to end of the first post”.

I suggest the label Jump to replies or Read replies instead, but maybe I’m the only one confused? Should this suggestion go into a new topic?

You can also have a TOC next to a reply. I think a “read replies” button next to the 7th post of a topic is confusing, as you will not only see replies to that post but all replies to the topic.

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