Whitelisted Discourse app with Push Notifications via OneSignal

Could you at least say which dependency needs updating, or better yet, submit a PR with the fix?


Sure, our developer at Quemuse submitted a PR:


How did you get notifications to work for everyone who downloads the app?

If a user hasn’t signed up yet (which is gonna be 99% of people), they’re gonna skip the prompt, sign up, and won’t receive notifications because they didn’t login with the prompt.

Also, for people who skip the prompt and sign in through the header button, they won’t get notifications either.

Notifications only work on iOS when the person signs in through the login prompt when you first download it. Also, there is no signup link on the login prompt for me.

The app only receives notifications if the user does not skip the prompt. You could delay the prompt until later, but this hasn’t been an issue with real users.

I don’t mean the native prompt that says “Would you like X to send you notifications? Accept or Decline”. I mean the login splash screen that is displayed within the initial installation of the app.

Ah, there should be a “Connect” button. It shows up only after they have logged in, as anon there are no notifications.

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Right, my concern is that a new person trying out the app for the first time skips the login splash screen (since they don’t have an account), after using the forum for some time, they decide to create an account. They do so, but now they won’t receive notifications because they didn’t login back when they installed the app.

Currently, we use a disclaimer text in the splash screen to help users understand.

Hi, I was able to install onesignal on my whitelabeled app but the notification are only showed when I open the app. Is there a config I am missing?



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That seems to indicate that push notifications aren’t configured correctly. Did you build the app with the same PN certificate as what you added to the OneSignal account?


All is working using the discourse plugin. I want to implement a separate push mechanism using onesignal API but I dont know where Discourse is storing Onesignal reference to the user id or the way around.

From the discourse onesignal plugin it seems that the call is made via username ( https://github.com/pmusaraj/discourse-onesignal/blob/master/plugin.rb line 46 ) but there are no tags on Onesignal.

I am curious, is OneSignal push notification still working with the latest iOS?

Thanks @pmusaraj for developing this great app. I tried it for my forum because I want to have an app where notifications work and with your app it definitely works (tested on Android)! Thanks a lot for this. However, during testing I encountered three bugs.

On a Xiaomi device, the app starts further down. This white strip is distracting.


On a Samsung device when the font in the settings is enlarged, the font in the app is much larger. Some elements are no longer accessible.


Lastly, a bug that definitely needs to be fixed. After logging out of Discourse in the app, you still get the user notifications. Was on both devices - Samsung and Xiaomi.

Any body using it in 2024?

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Looking to get ios push notifications set up for Discourse (particularly for Chat) in my app.

@pmusaraj - last commit on this was in January of 2023. Does this still work?

And then to others on this thread: is anyone actively using this and able to verify that this still works?

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I suspect as is, this doesn’t work. I haven’t had to use this for my projects in more than a few years, and mobile app build tooling (for good or bad) changes quickly, so you’ll likely have trouble even running this locally.

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Thanks @pmusaraj. Assuming I can take care of the mobile part on my end do you think the discourse-onesigna plugin would still work?

If not, would appreciate your thoughts on the best path to pick up the notification events and send them off somewhere.

I’m not sure. I suspect it will stop working soon, because it hasn’t had updates in 2 years and chances are the OneSignal API has changed since. You’re welcome to fork it and build on it, though!