Who-Is-Online works only if it is set to display for non-signed users or TL-1

FOR ADMINS, the online users are being shown only if I select this option:

Show whos-online to the public (no sign in required)” or Whos Online display miniumum trust level is set to “0: New User

On my forum works

  • no public
  • allow TL1


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Can you pls suggest something? As to what are the possibilities, that I should be checking?

I’m not very familiar with this plugin, but what trust level are your admins?

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I’m full admin of the my site (which I think is above any trust levels). But/And I can view WIO only if I select like this:

or this:

Or this:

But I, the full admin, can’t view WIO, but strangely moderators are shown WIO when I choose this:

This last scenario gives same results if I choose trust level-2 or any higher than ‘2:’

This is starts to be really desperate, but check what is your TL-status. It is different thing than beeing admin.


That’s new to me.
How, I being an admin, can check (or set) my own TL-Level?
Where is this setting?

On your own profile. And then click admin-button.

That nailed it. Problem solved.

Its strange that even admin can have lower trust levels (But that’s another story, and also I’m sure, like all other things of discourse, this too has solid logics behind this setup of TLs).

To reiterate for anyone coming to look for similar/same problem: Even admins can have lower trust levels. So go to your preferences and click this ‘Admin’ button:

And then check for the Trust Level. It should be same or higher than what you’ve setup in the Who-Is-Online WIO plugin setup.

Thanks again. Its all wonderful.

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