Why does Discourse prevent users to login with Safari 14.8?

First, let us login. Then, if the experience is really lousy, that’s another story. At least, we could login. On step at a time. Regarding the rest of the features, some will work, and other won’t. But I’m quite sure that most of the things would work :wink: iOS 14.8 is not prehistoric.
There is a difference between

  1. preventing people to login unless they do what Discourse want they do; In other words, the service provider choses what the end-user can or cannot do with his phone; thanks but that’s my phone, and I own my things.
  2. letting users to login, and have the experience they are okish with. Discourse would do his part, and the end user could chose what he wants to do on his own.

After what upgrade, from what to what, and did you benchmark that?

I did own a 3GS, a 5S, a 8 after I broke the 5S, and a 12 Mini. The 3GS suffered from upgrades; the 5S was fine without the upgrades for more than 5 years; the 7 that I bought came with the latest iOS version available at that time, and eventually I got a 12, which I intend to keep on iOS 14.8 as long as possible.

The fact that the more an iPhone is upgraded, the slower it becomes, is common knowledge. You might not notice it after the first upgrade. Nor the second. But after a few upgrades, it will be.

Question is not who did what first. Question is why does Discourse require a less than 12 months old browser for the login process by requiring iOS 15.7?**. And if it does not require iOS 15.7, then why making a decision for the user? Who else prevents login from any iPhone with iOS <15.7 ?

To reply to your post, the actor is Discourse, since there are only issues with Discourse.The fact that Apple drops support for a software is uncorrelated. Apple does not make the web. They manufacture a product. Apple didnt make Discourse.

Discourse choses what device can login and which cannot. Not Apple. If Apple was the cause of the issue, we wouldn’t be able to login anywhere. Think about that :wink:

I went through the forum, and noticed that the discussion we’re having here comes quite often.