Why the hamburger-menu became so blackish?!

all the links in the hamburger menu became black, wasn’t the previous bluish style better?

if this is intentional, isn’t it better if it appears in a new theme, e.g. all-black, rather than changing the previous defaults?

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Yes this is intentional. It is clearer to read now that before.


Not so easy to read when using discourse-theme-switcher with Dark selected



Luckily switching to Light is easy which makes the menu readable with a user default theme of Light




That’s because this component is hardcoding some values it shouldn’t be hardcoding and rely on the various colors we have: $primary, $secondary, …


Yes this is intentional. If we had to do this for everything we would end up with hundreds of themes to maintain and that would be impossible. I’m sorry this change is annoying you, but it doesn’t prevent usage of the forum, is arguably more readable and homogenise a bunch of things. Last but not least, it’s easy to bring back previous behavior if you want to.


I hope I didn’t offend anyone with the earlier post. No intent to do so.

Thanks for noting $primary, $secondary. As a programmer I understand the importance of such but as one who has not created a theme yet, still don’t know the details but will keep this in mind.

I installed discourse-theme-switcher yesterday on our site and while I like it and some of our users like it I am not convinced to leave it installed and currently seeking facts on deciding whether to uninstall it and try Hamburger Theme Selector. Your post has given me a valuable fact. Thanks. :grinning:


Not offended, just exposing the facts :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t know much this component, but yes I think relying on light/dark seems less risky.


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