Wiki topic mini spec

Just see you merged your wiki-post feature in the master branch, great work.

I really like the discourse editor so it should really be great to create content for a wiki. However, for a wiki post, I would prefer to have a webpage style more than a forum page style.
How big is the step to display wiki post edited within the discourse environment into a webpage with a specific theme ? I think about a Discourse/Jekyll interaction to generate the html page.


I think regarding those who wants separated wiki from discourse - you can try to use the API to get the post from Discourse. It’s better this way. I prefer discourse to be lean and simple.

just my humble opinion.

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Great work @velesin :slight_smile:

Just one thing: I have upgraded one of our Discourse installation to the latest version to test this… and i don’t know why, when i try to click on the button “wiki post”, nothing happens :frowning:

After clicking on the “Wiki post” the admin menu should close and the post should be marked as Wiki

This means that from now on the post can be edited not only by author but by everybody. (and also if you then open the admin menu again, the label should be changed to “Unwiki post”).

What happens in your case? The admin menu doesn’t close at all? Or closes, but nothing seems to happen?

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When i try to click on the button, it clicks on the buttons below: “delete topic”, “edit this post”… it’s as if the button was transparent (in terms of clicking)

Perhaps it only happens to me… Do it works here in Meta?
cc @sam

Yep you are right. The idea was just to have an interaction between them. The API can indeed be a good solution yet it could be cool to have the discourse editor pop-up on a wiki page.

Yes, but its broken in IE10 cc @velesin

I was testing on Firefox for Mac. Now I’ve tried it with Google Chrome and works perfect :slight_smile:

I’m glad to stumble upon this topic and glad to hear that wiki is being worked on. One feature I’d look for especially in a wiki post is automagically generated table of contents to navigate a long post, which could be done with a [toc] code. I just asked about this in support.


Should be fixed by this PR:

cc @sam


Thanks again for this @velesin it has been working great. The only minor thing lacking is notifying people somehow when the wiki changes but I think that’s out of spec for V1.