Wishlist: visual cue for "user got a badge for this post"

We’re trying to encourage users to help each other. We’ve decided to start awarding a custom ‘Users Helping Users’ badge (u-h-u) to users who are the first to respond and whose response attempts to help.

Because we want lots of this behavior, I’ve made the badge something you can get more than once.

Since it take human intelligence (currently) to assess whether a user’s response was an attempt to be helpful or just a “me too”, this badge is awarded manually.

Adding humans necessarily introduces a point of failure and I’ve realized that it would be very easy to award the u-h-u badge to the same user/post over and over. Nothing stops you. For badges that can only be awarded once, they disappear from the badge-award dropdown, but this one doesn’t.

So, for multiple reasons (including re-inforcement to other users), I think it would be good to have something like this:

Even better if it said what badge (but I only thought of that after the image was uploaded :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)