Wordpress Buddypress message integration

hi, this is probably the wrong place but i start here,

I am looking into if it is possible to use the message system of Discourse on Wordpress/Buddypress

And is it possible to syncronise the xprofile fields of the buddypress profile into the profile on Discourse.

I think your first port of call is WP Discourse – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org. That plugin will allow you to sync profile data from WordPress to discourse. It also handles other aspects. But it doesn’t have specific buddypress functionality.


Yes that was brilliant and i uses the Shortcode addon to, but i was hopeing if someone knew about the message system from discourse to work in Wordpress to.

I don’t understand the question here. Can you elaborate? What are you trying to achieve?

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I think @nullset is trying to add Discourse to an existing buddypress community.

Since there’s so much functional overlap I think you’d want to choose one or the other - of course I think you should choose Discourse, but then I’m (To)biased. WordPress can still be used to host stuff Discourse doesn’t do like a community blog or resource library.


@tobiaseigen yes i was trying to figure out how to use the message system of Discourse on a wordpress site. Yes the overlapping is a bit confusing and now we have messages on buddypress, then live chat, and then the discourse messages was hoping just using the Discourse one.

And then get all the information from the xprofile fields of buddypress profile imported into the discourse user profile and give i a very very great look.

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What is it that you use wordpress and buddypress for, alongside discourse?

You could take a look at a community I am involved in at https://namati.org - it uses discourse for what discourse does best, then has an organization directory and resource library in wordpress. User profiles are pretty much mirrored in wordpress/discourse but you can see the resources and organizations of users in wordpress.

I had always thought it would be cool to provide a user oriented dashboard in wordpress pulling all of this stuff together in one place.


Hi @tobiaseigen,
So wordpress and buddypress is a comunity page similar to other, so it has profiles, memberslist, mesages, live chat and forum.
Buddypress profiles
Buddypress messages
Seperate plugin for chat
Discourse for forum
Wordpress for articles and paid content

And what i was wondering can the profiles be unified discourse and buddypress
and can the message/chat system on discourse being used on wordpress buddypress so no need for 3 seperate systems.


You can integrate WordPress with Discourse by having your WordPress site function as the Single SIgn On provider for Discourse. Single Sign On (SSO) can be configured with our WordPress plugin.

When SSO is used between WordPress and Discourse, usernames, user full names, and email addresses will be synced between the two systems. It is also possible to pass some additional information in the SSO parameters. For example, the user’s bio could be sent to WordPress. If you want more integration than that between the two systems, it may be possible to do, but you might need to hire a developer to do the work for you.

I am not sure how BuddyPress stores user information on WordPress, but I would expect any user details that are added by BuddyPress to be available as WordPress user metadata.

Hi, we are using the plugin and Wordpress as the SSO.

Do anyone know some developer that is the right to ask for a job like this.

Does anyone know if the message system can be used as a message system or chat on a wordpress site ?

To find a developer who is familiar with Discourse and WordPress, you could create a topic in the #marketplace category. In the topic that you create, try to write a clear outline of the work that you need done.

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