WP Discourse Plugin Slow Error comment-formatter.php:62

@Ryan_Collins1 @gizadev You’ve both experienced the same error recently (see also).

While we debug this further, we’re pushing a fix to remove the specific log call which seems to be involved, as it’s non-essential anyway (i.e. there’s no harm in removing it) (PR). Albeit it is unlikely to be the underlying cause of the issue. When you see version 2.4.2 of the plugin appear in your Wordpress admin panel, that will contain this temporary fix.

This part of the plugin that hasn’t changed in a while, which is part of the reason I was initially skeptical it was the cause of the issue. To help the debugging process could you share any other changes you’ve made to your Wordpress recently? Any updates you’ve made, new plugins you’ve installed or the like.

Ideally if you could share the download from the WP Discourse Logs admin panel with me via private message, in particular the “Meta” file which will give me some insight into your Wordpress environment, i.e. your PHP version and other plugins you have installed. Also, which WP Hosting provider are you with?