Wrong image url showing in schema image property

The itemprop="image" property of DiscussionForumPosting schema showing wrong image url.

I can also reproduce this in Discourse meta.

For example, in this URL https://meta.discourse.org/t/can-i-increase-the-1024000-kb-limit-on-attachment/165367 itemprop image URL showing as https://meta.discourse.org//assets-meta-cdck-prod-meta.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/original/3X/c/d/cd3fa05cda365614f7ec6f93fbca4974decb16f0.png which is an 404 error page.

I found this error after seeing so many 404 crawl errors of my forum in google webmaster tools. Because every one of my forum topic has at least one image.


We’re now using the correct URL and using CDN if available.