You Have Performed this Action Too Many Times Error

I get the below error quite a few times.

{"errors":["You’ve performed this action too many times. Please wait a few seconds before trying again."],"error_type":"rate_limit","extras":{"wait_seconds":0}}

How do I eliminate this error. Please suggest.

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Go look in settings > Rate Limit. Change the values as you please

Hi @IAmGav,

I have made,

  1. rate limit create topic = 0 (After creating a topic, users must wait (n) seconds before creating another topic.)
  2. rate limit create post = 0 (After posting, users must wait (n) seconds before creating another post.)
  3. rate limit new user create topic = 0 (After creating a topic, new users must wait (n) seconds before creating another topic.)
  4. rate limit new user create post = 0 (After posting, new users must wait (n) seconds before creating another post.)

But, still the error is persistent. Are there any other limits I need to look at.

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Can anyone else help me out here, to solve this work error.

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I have disabled all the settings mentioned in:

But, still I get the “You Have Performed this Action Too Many Times” error.
Is there something else I have to do?

So what are you exactly doing what causes this error?

I am trying to create Topics using API. While trying to create like 100 topics through API, it is throwing me this error.
I am also trying to Update Tags to my Topics through API, there are 100s of Topics in my forum which do not have tags. So I am updating tags to them through API.

So what are the values of


and are you sure you’re staying below those numbers?