Youtube Embed Not Working Properly

I’m trying to simply past the share a Youtube link but it does not show present the actual video but a box…

Am I doing something wrong?

Have you tried reloading? Does this link bring you to the video [1]? Is the discouse version old?

  1. If so, this is not really a problem in my opinion. ↩︎

I want the video to LOAD actually in post (not play). Just like when we post an image link… without having the user to go away from the forum.

Not sure if you would be able to guide.

YouTube oneboxes should work, but to further investigate a potential problem we need the original video link that was posted.

From the description, it looks like it was this video:

Which was correctly oneboxed by just adding in a line by itself.

If youtube has disabled embedding (which they’ve been increasing A LOT lately, especially for music) that’s usually what shows up in which case nothing you can do about it.

However if it is the video posted above, then obviously not the case here

how do I embed oncebox? Are you just pasting the link?

I just added: to the line itself and it worked… not in our forum.

Here is the forum post: Petapixel: visitando o novo escritório central da Nikon e Museu - Nikon - Fotógrafos Online

(is this is something related to adjusting the forum settings to accept such embed? Support )

RESOLVED. I was able to successfuly update the settings to accept onebox embeding links.


Good afternoon, and sorry to re-open a closed post.

A number of my forum users have complained that their YouTube embeds are suffering failures and they cannot load. I suspect a similar problem as yours might occur with my forum.

I do not see the actual solution that you did in your post. Can you please walk me through what settings you changed, and where you changed them, to fix this? Thank you.


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