Youtube embeds missing

Recently after a series of changes and upgrades to my Discourse Installation, only two things are missing. One is not being able to rebuild the data container, and I’m trying to figure it out, but the other is that every onebox works except with YouTube URLs.

From inside the server and container I can CURL to YouTube, how can I make sure that it is due to temporary IP Ban?

Edit: Can confirm that neither Rebuild (App) nor Rebake affect this issue.

Edit 2: By searching I saw that @jomaxro commented here that things like CloudFlare can affect Oneboxes… can a CDN affect just one Onebox? Tried putting it on Development Mode but no changes.

Edit 3: Tried removing all plugins. Nothing changed. (Also, I’m unable to rebake since it seems that processes cut each other).

Edit 4: Tried @Overgrow’s command and yep, indeed I have a problem

[1] pry(main)> posts = Post.where("raw like '%youtube%'").count
=> 72674

I’m having a hard time trying to run the rebake commands because my container is throwing me this:

PG::UnableToSend: no connection to the server

PG::ConnectionBad: PQconsumeInput() SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected

Do I need to stop something?