"Auto-close topic after last post" duration dropdown selection issue

Hi all

Running 3.3.0.beta3-dev (5aefda1dee).

When trying to set an “auto-close topic after last post” based on days, the time dropdown seems to continually select “minutes”. Only when do I enter minutes, it changes to hours and allows me to change it to something else :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Made a little gif of the issue to explain it better -
This image shows a list of options for scheduling or setting a timer, with choices ranging from tomorrow to six months in the future, as well as a custom date and time option. (Captioned by AI)

Has anyone else experienced this? I did try looking but couldn’t see any other posts on it, so any thoughts appreciated.

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I am unable to reproduce this on this morning’s tests-passed.

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Apologies, I’ve updated it and that has fixed the issue. I had assumed it was on the latest as it said so on the admin dashboard.

Appreciate your response though!