Can the background color in front of the navs in the sidebar be changed to a small icon?

You can use

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Interesting. That doesn’t work for me. And hasn’t ever worked.

Did you define a color?


Where the heck do I set that :flushed:

On category icon component, of course. Damn I’m in slow mode today.

But now you said that I have a weak memory print I didn’t use colors because then category nav bar was too reckless. And ’cos about 95 % of my users are typical end user with mobiles, no one uses sidebar. So this isn’t any bigger thing in my circles.

But good to know, thanks!

hahaha, I fotget to close the topic, I have found this theme component in library.
still thanks!

Is there any place to close the topic here?

support topics which are solved are automatically closed

In addition, leaders can close topics manually when needed.

Why are these two posts automatically categorized together? :thinking:

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I sent two replies, but now they are merged to one.

That wasn’t done automatically but by a moderator.

A post was split to a new topic: Why are topic counts sometimes different?

all right! it’s so fast! :grinning:

Thanks for the reminder :slight_smile: Just picked this up and did a PR so icons are rendered with the default category color when there’s no color defined on the component.