Category endpoints not working

I am a new user and have hit. a problem the connection tab says I am connected to discourse, but I cannot select a default discourse category because it doesn’t see a connection.
what did I do wring here?

thanks Steve

Hey Steve, sorry to be a pain but could you also share a screenshot of the notice saying you’re connected to Discourse? Thanks.

hi Angus absolutely

and here is an image of the discourse API page
after selecting “all users” there was no option to set a user to one of the admin accounts

the discourse icon appears on the posting page but as you can see there is an error

I am sure I am a complete idiot and missed something obvious but anything you can suggest would be great

Thanks for the extra info Steven. Could you also share your WP Discourse logs with me (see “Logs” in the WP Discourse admin panel). There will likely be an error message.

Hi Angus thanks for the quick response here are the logs for 20 23 and 24

Thanks Steven, I need the full line of the ones that have “error” in them. Please copy the line and paste it in a post here.

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Hi Angus here you are the three error messages from the first day

*2024-09-20 19:53:22] publish.ERROR: create_post.post_error {"wp_title":"VAT Concerns","wp_author_id":"255739202","wp_post_id":249,"response_message":"You supplied invalid parameters to the request: category","http_code":400}

[2024-09-20 19:55:56] connection.INFO: check_connection_status.failed_to_connect {"error":"wpdc_response_error","message":"An invalid response was returned from Discourse","http_code":"","http_body":""} 

[2024-09-20 20:10:52] publish.ERROR: create_post.post_error {"wp_title":"VAT Concerns","wp_author_id":"255739202","wp_post_id":249,"response_message":"You supplied invalid parameters to the request: category","http_code":400}

In addition I retried posting from Wordpress to discourse and whilst the category list still can’t be returned

I was able to post to discourse in the uncategorised category

the log from this morning

[2024-09-26 15:14:07] connection.INFO: check_connection_status.successful_connection  
[2024-09-26 15:14:07] connection.INFO: check_connection_status.valid_scopes  
[2024-09-26 15:57:30] connection.INFO: check_connection_status.successful_connection  
[2024-09-26 15:57:30] connection.INFO: check_connection_status.valid_scopes  
[2024-09-26 16:05:05] publish.INFO: create_post.post_success {"wp_title":"Understanding and Interpreting Mock, Predicted, and GCSE Scores","wp_author_id":"255739202","wp_post_id":186} 
[2024-09-26 16:05:05] publish.INFO: create_post.body_valid {"wp_title":"Understanding and Interpreting Mock, Predicted, and GCSE Scores","wp_author_id":"255739202","wp_post_id":186} 
[2024-09-26 16:05:05] publish.INFO: create_post.after_publish {"post_id":186,"remote_post_type":"create_post","discourse_post_id":"52","discourse_topic_id":"35","discourse_permalink":""} 
[2024-09-26 16:05:06] webhook_topic.INFO: update_topic_content.update_post_metadata_success {"post_ids":"186"}

hope this helps

Thanks for your patience with this Steve. It looks like your Discourse is not returning categories as the plugin expects.

  1. does not contain any categories. This is what the WP Discourse plugin uses to populate the category list.

  2. However I do see that your site does have public categories, as they’re available in

Indeed, going to your Discourse, I see that Discourse features that rely on category lists are also not working.

I’m going to move this topic to Bug as it’s an issue with Discourse, not the WP Discourse plugin.

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Assuming the site’s on the Discourse Starter plan, this might not be a bug. It doesn’t look like that plan allows for API or Webhook access: Discourse pricing | Discourse - Civilized Discussion.

Edit: the WP Discourse “You are connected to Discourse” message wouldn’t get displayed if the API was disabled, so that’s probably not the cause of the issue.


I believe the OP is on basic plan which is not the same as the starter plan. We didn’t take API or webhook access away from existing Basic customers.


Longshot: did you change the lazy load categories groups setting?


Even if that were the case, there is currently an issue loading categories on Steve’s Discourse, i.e. Discourse itself is broken, separate from WP Discourse’s issues.


Yea in this case it would likely be best to leave that setting as blank. I had a look and it’s been changed to everyone. @Stevej try reverting that setting and see if that helps.


(I know it’s a beta flag but Isn’t it time to hide that setting until it stops causing so many issues?)


Hi Everyone,
Thanks for your help, yes I am on the basic plan not the starter plan.
I deselected lazy load as suggested by several of you and that seems to have solved the issue.
thank you all again!