Logo not changing automatically on changing dark/light scheme


Sometimes the logo isn’t changing automatically when color scheme changes.

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


I have the same issue. Once scrilling actopic list the logo reverts back to light logo using the light dark toggle.

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When adjusting the color theme, the site logo’s color does not change.
This also does not work well with Discourse Hub. since the top stays the same.


With the current themes (see screenshot below), the Discourse word at the top is black, on the dark grey background, making it difficult to see the word.
When scrolling on topics the word becomes just the icon, but instead of a black icon, it now becomes white.
My theme setting:

Hard-to-see word:

White logo:

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Tested this on iPhone 13 Pro running Chrome, version 123.0.6312.52 and could not reproduce - I get a white logo.

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Hello :wave: Yeah, this topic is about the same issue. In topic the header change trigger the dark/light logo switch too.


I’ve slipped your post over, @NateDhaliwal, to keep the reports grouped together. :+1:


Hmm… this seems to be fixed!

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Yeah, I think this one fixed. I think since the glimmer header I didn’t notice this issue. :thinking:

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