Featured Link Disappears After Topic Approval

When creating a topic with a featured link in a configuration where approve new topics unless allowed groups is not enabled for trust level 1, the featured link disappears after the topic is approved.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Remove trust level 0 from approve new topics unless allowed groups.
  2. Log in as a user without automatic topic approval privileges who is allowed to add a featured link to a topic (> TL0).
  3. Navigate to the “Create New Topic” page.
  4. Add a featured link to the topic.
  5. Fill in the required fields for the topic (title, content, etc.).
  6. Submit the topic for creation.
  7. Verify that the topic is created successfully and awaiting approval.
  8. Log in as an administrator or user with topic approval privileges.
  9. Locate the pending topic in the moderation queue.
  10. Review and approve the topic.
  11. View the approved topic.

Expected Result:
The approved topic should display with all originally submitted content, including the featured link.

Actual Result:
The approved topic is visible, but the featured link is missing from the post.

written by AI-Helper