(UI to manage) Topic Featured Links

Continuing the discussion from Automatically changing ownership of first post to a specific user:

The “activitypub.dev” link on the screenshot below is the topic featured link that is associated to the topic when you create it by pasting an URL into the topic title field.


Changing this link is undocumented and not doable via any UI that I know of.

Moreover, if the category where the topic is created uses a template, then pasting an URL in the title has no effect towards creating a featured link. In both cases (existing topic body, or changing link) there is no way to add or edit a featured link after the topic was created.

The feature would facilitate doing so.

In the discussion of this feature, it would be interesting to learn how such featured links are created and stored, how to make a featured link from the console, whether they are exposed in the public API, and so on, to facilitate understanding how to implement the feature.

The current hackish way to edit a featured link works, but is very much sub-optimal…